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Vanessa Leung

Vanessa Leung - Small_edited.jpg

When and why did you start learning Chinese?

I started learning Mandarin when I was 6 as my mother had a foresight back then that Mandarin will be a largely influential language as I get older - turns out she was spot on! We speak Cantonese at home.

What is the best thing about learning Chinese?

Connection to my heritage and being able to help people with my language abilities through translation and connection.

What opportunities have you gained because of your Chinese learning?

Opportunity to be given an international posting from Fonterra HQ to Fonterra Shanghai office. This has also allowed me to work and travel, exploring all the amazing places China has to offer.

What would you say to other Kiwis who are thinking about learning Chinese?

Do it. Mandarin is so widely spoken it opens up so many opportunities from a professional perspective. In particular China is a large trading partner, so the ability to speak to language we can share/communicate more of NZ goodness to this part of the world.

Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?

马马虎虎 - just a funny expression to explain just so so, but not sure why horse and tiger is used!

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