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Sara Hall

Vanessa Leung - Small_edited.jpg

When and why did you start learning Chinese?

I started learning Chinese not only out of pure self-interest, but also as a way to connect myself to a global community and to ensure I was doing my part as a global citizen by making the effort to learn about other people's languages and cultures, and not just expect people to learn mine.

What is the best thing about learning Chinese?

All the opportunities that it opens for me!

What opportunities have you gained because of your Chinese learning?

I was lucky to do a travel abroad to Taiwan for one month to study and it was an amazing experience!

What would you say to other Kiwis who are thinking about learning Chinese?

I would tell them to start small, find free resources through local community groups or online videos as there are heaps of things out there to learn with that don't require them to put down lots of money on books or private lessons.

Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?

真的吗 - is my favorite not because the expression itself is anything special but because, for some reason in my Chinese learning journey, I keep getting it confused with other words, therefore it has become an inside joke between me and my friends that it's my favorite expression.

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