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Jack Holloway

Vanessa Leung - Small_edited.jpg

When and why did you start learning Chinese?

I started in 2017 during a PMSA agricultural study tour to Kunming; I then continued out of interest in working in the region, and during a subsequent PMSA to intern with Fonterra in Shanghai.

What is the best thing about learning Chinese?

The most rewarding part for me are the 'breakthrough' moments, when you understand a snippet of a conversation, or make yourself understood the first time you try.

What opportunities have you gained because of your Chinese learning?

It's been a factor in ending up at Fonterra, and in joining the team I'm currently with. I'll be heading back to Shanghai in November for CIIE and intend to continue building my China competency and developing a career that benefits from it.

What would you say to other Kiwis who are thinking about learning Chinese?

The simple fact is that the success of New Zealand, as an exporting nation, is inextricably tied to China as our largest trading partner. It is therefore crucial that we have Kiwis who understand and are able to operate in China. It's also a journey that is personally rewarding; China is a fast moving, dynamic, and fascinating place to cultivate an interest in.

Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?

马马虎虎 - mǎmǎhūhū - as a response meaning "alright/not bad", but which literally means "horse horse tiger tiger". I think idioms are fun to learn in other languages, because from an outsider's perspective they often seem nonsensical - but they reflect how bizarre English can also be.

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