Linh Le
When and why did you start learning Chinese?
I grew up in Vietnam and watched a lot of great Chinese drama and shows like 还珠格格and 西遊記. I fell in love with the language and got used to with listening to Chinese at very young age.
However, it wasn’t until going my university, I had an opportunity to learn Chinese as part of my major.
What is the best thing about learning Chinese?
I found learning Chinese is very therapeutic especially Chinese writing. It is the most difficult part but whenever I practice writing, I learn beyond the language including patience and history of it. Also, a few of my close friends are Chinese, so learning Chinese is a way for me to connect better with them.
What would you say to other Kiwis who are thinking about learning Chinese?
What I would like to say to Kiwi who are thinking about learning Chinese is “go for it”. It’s not only an opportunity to expand your career horizon but also a way to learn about another culture.
Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?
My favorite Chinese expression is 活 到 老, 学到 老
Live until old, learn until old" in English. It emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and the idea that one should continue to acquire knowledge and learn new things throughout their entire life, regardless of age or stage in life