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Miya So-Beer

Burnside High School
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When did you start learning Chinese and what inspired you to take up the language?

I started learning Chinese 3 years ago because I’ve always been fascinated by the culture, especially the language's beauty and complexity. I’m also a huge fan of Chinese dance and music, so learning the language felt like a natural way to connect with that passion.

Tell us about your Chinese language learning journey. What has been the most unexpected or rewarding part of the experience?

It started when my best friend and I decided to take Chinese in Year 9 because we liked Chinese games and anime. Unfortunately, the subject was cancelled at my school the year after and I thought my language journey would end. However, I decided to move to Burnside High in Year 13, which allowed me to resume taking Chinese. Since then, so many opportunities have opened up for me and Chinese has become a massive part of my life that never ceases to amaze me. Being able to learn and interact with the culture is more rewarding and profound than I could've ever imagined.

What opportunities have opened up for you as a result of your Chinese-speaking ability?

Learning Chinese has opened up a plethora of opportunities for me, like participating in the global Chinese Bridge competition and allowing me to interact with a significantly wider range of people and content. It’s given me a deep connection to Chinese culture, and I feel way more confident in learning the language and culture.

Why do you think other New Zealanders should learn Chinese?

I think more New Zealanders should learn Chinese because it’s not just a language; it’s a bridge to one of the world’s oldest cultures. Plus, China plays such a huge role in the global economy now, so knowing the language could really give you an edge in business and future career opportunities.

Do you have any tips for anyone thinking about taking up Chinese?

Definitely! Don't feel so nervous and get caught up in trying to be perfect - with pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, etc. Chinese speakers are super encouraging and love when people are learning their language. Regular practice and revision will make a huge difference in your success in language learning.

Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?

Yes! My favourite phrase is "学好中国话,朋友遍天下" which means "Learn Chinese well, and you'll have friends all over the world." I love it because it's so true—since I started learning Chinese, I've been able to connect with so many amazing people from different places, and they have become some of my best friends. It really reminds me how powerful language is in building friendships and understanding different cultures!

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